首页 币圈新闻 hasdfsndle.fi:从流动性中获利|AMA回顾


2021 年 7 月 14日下午 3点,handle.fi ?Silverback #trooper 做客Uniswap中文社区,由Uniswap中文社区首席分析师 Jimmi 主持,带来“handle.fi :从流动性中获利”的主题AMA直播活动。本次直播活动由区块方舟 BlockArk 支持,链闻 ChainNews、星球日报 Odaily、区块律动 BlockBeats、加密阁媒体支持,直播分享内容整理如下:




今天AMA的主题是?“?handle.fi :从流动性中获利”,嘉宾是Silverback #trooper。



Jimmi: Q1、Can you introduce yourself to the community? What is your background and how did you build handle.fi?


Silverback #trooper:I?have been involved in tradfi for over 20 years and ethereum and later DeFi, since 2017.

我从事 tradfi 已经超过 20 年,从 2017 年开始接触以太坊和 DeFi。

In tradfi I have worked across sydney, london and NY as a quantitative analyst, derivatives dealer and asset manager.

在 Tradfi ,我曾在悉尼、伦敦和纽约担任量化分析师、衍生品交易商和资产经理。

Our lead engineer has over 20 years experience in technology development and 10 years in blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

我们的首席工程师拥有超过 20 年的技术开发经验和 10 年的区块链和加密货币领域的经验

Jimmi: Q2、Where did you get the inspiration for this unique idea? And what influence will we have on the crypto industry due to handle.fi?


Silverback #trooper:As a non US citizen and DeFi participant my stablecoin needs were not being met – there was a proliferation of USD stablecoins, but very few alternate currency options.

作为一个非美国公民和 DeFi 参与者,我的稳定货币需求没有得到满足——有大量的美元稳定货币,但很少有替代货币选择。

Many non US citizens want to settle, hedge and remit in their native currencies – this need, plus the view that defi is a global phenomenon and that as it grows it would be highly likely to require many more currency stablecoins (than USD) and some form of FX market.

许多非美国公民希望以本国货币结算、对冲和汇款——这种需求和DeFi 发展成为一个全球现象,随着其增长,极有可能需要更多的货币稳定货币(类似美元)和某种形式的外汇市场。

Jimmi: Q3、What is the difference between Handle.Fi and MakerDAO, as similar products?

handle.fi 和 MakerDAO 作为同类产品,有什么区别?

Silverback #trooper:There are similarities in that they are collateral backed synthetic issuance platforms – some key differences are:



handle.fi is issuing a range of multicurrency stablecoins whereas DAI is a USD representative stablecoin.

handle . fi 发行了一系列多币种稳定货币,而 DAI 是美元代表性稳定货币。

handle.fi also has multi collateral vaults and partial vault liquidations to optimise capital efficiency, these are not features of DAI.

handle . fi 也有多个抵押保险库和部分保险库清算,以优化资本效率,这些都不是 DAI 的特点。

handle.fi allows users to redeem 1:1 for collateral to assist maintain stablecoin pegs.

handle . fi 允许用户以 1 : 1 的比例兑换抵押品,以帮助维护稳定的货币挂钩。

Jimmi: Q4、How many stable currency exchanges does? handle.fi currently support? How to redeem?

handle.fi? 目前有多少种稳定币兑换?如何进行兑换?

Silverback #trooper:handle.fi minting, burning and redemptions are available on the ethereum kovan testnet for fxCNY, fxEUR, fxKRW and fxAUD… more currencies will be launched soon.

目前在以太坊上铸造的稳定币有: fx CNY 、 fx EUR 、fxKRW 和 fx AUD 等等。更多的货币即将推出。

We have also just launched our FX convert functionality live on ethereum and polygon mainnet.

我们在以太坊和主网上推出了我们的 FX 转换功能。

User can convert between stable coins and earn FOREX rewards – https://app.handle.fi/convert


More details here: https://docs.handle.fi/rewards/protocol-incentive-experiments/pie-7-convert-rewards.


Jimmi: Q5、How to ensure that the user\’s funds are not attacked by hackers?


Silverback #trooper:We are currently undergoing contract audit prior to final mainnet release.


We will also operate an ongoing bug bounty program, for example immunifi and are looking into security devops processes available from services like certora.

我们还将运行一个持续的漏洞赏金计划,例如 immunifi,并正在研究 certora 等服务提供的安全 DevOps 流程。

Jimmi: Q6、Investors seem to only care about the price of the token instead of the real value of the project. How does your team attract and keep members long-term with the project? What is the real value of? handle.fi ?

投资者似乎只关心代币的价格,而不是项目的实际价值,您的团队如何吸引和保持成员长期参与项目?? handle.fi 的真正价值是什么?

Silverback #trooper:We will continue to ship product, iterate and grow features the community wants, generate protocol revenues and grow and reward our community of handle troopers – this is the path to a successful and sustainable project.


Jimmi: Q7、Please share with us the vision and goals of? handle.fi in 2021.

请与我们分享2021年 handle.fi的愿景和目标。

Silverback #trooper:We have already shipped our FX convert, or exchange functionality to ethereum and polygon and are NOW rewarding users in FOREX for using this.



Our next goal is the mainnet launch of the handle.fi protocol allowing user to create stablecoins in a range of currencies fxEUR, fxCNY, fxKRW and more.

我们的下一个目标是在主网上推出 handle.fi 协议,允许用户创建一系列货币 fxEUR、fxCNY、fxKRW 等的稳定币。

Mint, burn, redeem and?stake.


We will execute a TGE in the coming months, and after this and the mainnet launch we will begin our liquidity rewards programs.

我们将在未来几个月内执行 TGE,在此之后以及主网启动之后,我们将开始我们的流动性奖励计划。

We also have range of integrations into other protocols that wish to make use.


Jimmi:感谢Silverback #trooper的精彩分享,我们第一阶段的主题问答先告一段落,接下来进入自由问答阶段。群友可以对嘉宾自由提问,嘉宾自由选择其中5个问题进行回答。被选中问题的小伙伴,将会共同瓜分的奖励。我们的自由问答环节现在开始:



Handle.fi 如何看待当前的区块链市场,能说说你的看法吗?



问:How does handle.fi protect users\’ assets?

Handle.fi 如何保护用户的资产?



问:Is there trade service charge?



我们对转换收取少量费用,这是在文档中。我们使用路由技术,以确保用户获得有竞争力的价格。在这个阶段,使用交换的协议令牌奖励补偿任何小的费用。并且允许用户在 TGE 之前获得令牌。

问:Do you support stablecoin LP?

你们支持稳定币 LP 吗?


是的,在 TGE 农场奖励发放后,b4 TGE 回顾性奖励仍将产生。

问:Hello, what is the reason for everyone to participate in the project? What are the advanced features of the project that make it ahead of its competitors?




Jimmi:好的,今天的AMA就到这里结束了,再次感谢?XXX的精彩分享,额外获奖的小伙伴可以私聊[email protected]小助手登记信息,谢谢大家积极参与!

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关于作者: szhbsd
