首页 币圈新闻 区块链大型巡回播放【第86期】#区块链记忆电子病历# &asdfsmp;“行情解读”

区块链大型巡回播放【第86期】#区块链记忆电子病历# &asdfsmp;“行情解读”






The global medical market cake is very big, at present the domestic medical treatment, the education, the automobile, the service industry and so on occupy the main position. Among them, medical treatment accounts for a high proportion of expenditure in both developed and developing countries, and medical institutions keep a large amount of confidential information, medical history records, payment records and treatment records, etc. , the Security and privacy of these sensitive data requires an umbrella, and there are significant costs to healthcare providers in managing patient information.

Most hospitals still offer handwritten medical records, each with its own version, and the doctor\’s notes are sloppy. Once lost, these handwritten medical records can not accurately sum up the experience, and may delay the golden time of treatment, the barriers between hospitals are high, and information becomes islands, even though we\’ve been pushing electronic medical records for eight years. But progress has been slow, because electronic medical records are kept in hospitals, and medical disputes involve electronic medical records, and hospitals can modify electronic medical records at will, leaving patients helpless, therefore, the electronic medical record based on blockchain technology is necessary to be applied.

Whether it is a handwritten medical record book, or the current slow progress of the electronic medical record book, the shortcomings are obvious, these pain point medical record loss, unilateral and arbitrary modification of medical records, etc. is difficult to be resolved, arbitrary based on blockchain technology applications, the tagline is, my data, my choice, my absolute control over the information, even if other users or doctors access, will leave indelible browsing history and so on. The untamper-able and relative confidentiality of blockchain technology provides a reliable access environment for these electronic medical records, which are kept in distributed books and can not be modified by the hospital unilaterally, private keys allow users to access data around the world, and pain points such as lost or altered medical records are resolved. This is also a transparent medical treatment scheme that protects personal medical data.








关于作者: szhbsd
